Ato Paket Arıtma

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Paket atıksu arıtma sistemleri özellikle evsel biyolojik atık suların arıtılması amacı ile uygulanan sistemleridir. Üniteler fabrikamızda 100 ve 1000 kişilik package wastewater treatment olarak, 7-15 gün üretim süresinde üretilmektedir. Kapasiteler eklenerek istenilen ihtiyaca cevap verebilmektedirler. Şirketimiz dışa bağlı kalmaksızın, fabrikası ile hizmet vermektedir.
Biological wastewater treatment plants are a treatment process that uses natural processes to help decompose organic matter. It relies on bacteria and other small organisms to break down organic waste using normal cellular processes.
Wastewater often contains organic matter such as garbage, waste and partially digested food, It may also contain pathogenic organisms, heavy metals and toxins. The purpose of biological treatment is actually to create a system in which the decomposition results are easily collected for proper disposal.
It uses both aerobic and anaerobic biological processes to ensure the best removal of organic materials from wastewater.
Biological treatment is used all over the world because it is a more efficient investment than many mechanical or chemical treatments, especially in terms of operating costs.
Biyolojik atık su arıtma tesisleri oluşan atık su miktarına, arıtma tesisi yapılması öngörülen araziye bağlı olarak, genellikle çelik konstrüksiyon (STP - SBR Package wastewater treatment) veya betonarme yapılar halinde yapılmaktadır, Ayrıca arıtma tesisi tasarımı yapılırken özellikle koku, borulama, otomasyon, vardiya, bölge, iklim şartları, işletme faktörleri ve sektör üretim analizleri yapılmalıdır.
It is also used in slaughterhouse and slaughterhouse wastewater treatment plants.
At the design stage of Industrial and Chemical wastewater treatment plants, a treatment plant is designed as a result of the samples taken from the wastewater from the plants. High COD ratios such as especially intense amounts of oil and grease, pH, color and heavy metals are encountered in the wastewater generated by the sector.
Although there are usually coagulation, flocculation and neutralization units for the treatment of chemical waste water, many process designs are made.