Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment

Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Plants; Waste water originating from cattle, sheep and goat slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses is treated at appropriate discharge standards using physical, biological and chemical treatment processes.
Treatment Systems; It is one of the waste waters with intense pollution and oil content. Design should be made according to the relevant discharge area.
In slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses, the appropriate selection of equipment and process becomes even more important. In the physical treatment process at the facilities, solids and oil must be kept in the entrance structure without being transferred to the entire facility.
Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment systems and integrated meat facilities are different types of facilities within the food industry industry. Therefore, the amount of water consumed and the amount of waste water generated in slaughterhouses and integrated meat facilities may differ,
The amount of waste water consumed and generated varies depending on the number of slaughtered animals, whether the animal is ovine or bovine, the weight of the animal, the technology used in the facility, whether the waste water is reused in the process, whether the blood formed as a result of slaughter is collected or not, whether the internal organs are mixed with the waste water. .
It is seen that the COD value of slaughterhouse wastewater is in the range of 3500 – 12150 mg/L, the BOI value is in the range of 1200 – 2000 mg/L, the Oil & Grease value is in the range of 90 – 2750 mg/L, and the AKM value is in the range of 400 – 2500 mg/L.
The wide range of wastewater characterization values depends on factors such as blood retention efficiency, water use, type of slaughtered animal and amount of meat processing.