Ultrafiltration Systems (UF)

Ultrafiltration Systems; It is basically a filtering process. It can be applied on its own or before osmosis in water treatment using the ultra filtration technique. With its membrane structure with a pore diameter of 0.01 micron, the modules act as a complete barrier for bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms without the need for the use of chemicals. It also shows an excellent filtration ability,
As it is known, one of the most applied methods for the removal of microbiological pollution in drinking water is chlorine dosage. Although the effect on the removal of these microorganisms is quite high, it is not 100%. Organisms that can resist disinfectants such as some spore microorganisms can only be kept with ultrafiltration membranes in this direction. This means that since the pore diameters of the membranes we use in ultrafiltration systems are smaller than the diameters of microorganisms, we can safely purify them from water.
In addition, it is known that organic substances and chlorine compounds in water form THMs (trihalomethanes) and the toxic effect of these THMs on the human body is known to cause irreversible disturbances. The fact that it does not produce materials is its most important advantage.
Modules ; In addition to the excellent filtration of surface waters, it allows conventional biological and chemical treatment effluent to be fed to reverse osmosis systems and has an important place in wastewater recovery projects and is widely used in the pre-treatment of seawater osmosis systems.
In addition, sea water treatment, food industry and beverage processes, natural drinking water preparation factories, bacteria intake and indirect disinfection of water and many special processes are also used with success, special designs for waste water recovery and processes for recycling water, generally MBR origin It is the lifeblood of systems.
It is possible to use wastewater in recycling and regeneration processes.
Usage Areas
Deniz suyu arıtımı, gıda sektörü ve meşrubat prosesleri, doğal içme suyu hazırlama fabrikaları, bakteri alımı ve suyun dolaylı dezenfeksiyonu ve birçok özel proses de başarı ile kullanılmaktadır, Atık suların geri kazanımları için özel dizaynlar ve MBR kökenli, suyun tekrar geri kazanılmasına yönelik prosesler de sistemlerin can damarını oluşturmaktadır, Atık suların geri kazanımı ve özellikle yeniden üretim proslerinde kullanılması mümkündür.
Usage Areas
- Municipalities, Counties and Villages
- Residences and Buildings
- Stadium and Sports Facilities
- Construction Sites and Dormitories
- Universities and Campuses
- Student Dormitories and Campuses
- Hotels and Resorts
- Hobby Gardens and Nature Tourism
- Campgrounds
- Villas and Sites
- Military Facilities
- Prisons and Campuses
- Refugee Campgrounds
- Organized Industrial Zones
- Factories and Industrial Sites
- Slaughterhouses
- Fruit Juice and Processing Plants
- Dairy Factories, Production Facilities
- Textile Industry Factories
- Fish Processing Facilities